Over the weekend there was some serious running goin on down in the Yellow Rose state and the folks from Boost Logic took themselves home a record in the standing mile for their efforts! From the GT-R Forum: Boost Logic have built one mean Nissan GT-R here. To prove it they ran it in the Texas Mile over the weekend and cracked the 200 mph mark in the standing mile without breaking a sweat. This makes them the first tuner to do so and etches their names in history. The GT-R in question mas clocked at 203.6mph (327.6km/h) at the mile mark and made 823rwhp @ 25psi on their 2WD dyno. They feel that this is just the beginning and with more work the car has even more in it down the straight. I especially like the 'without breaking a sweat' part! See a video over at the forum here.

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