Dianna was so torn between the Aspen White and the Magnetic Gray that she had her sister take a picture of both and send it to their mom and family for their help making the decision! After many hours of deliberation she went with the Gray and LOVES IT! Its always great to help folks get their very first new car and it didnt take Dianna but a day to write us with this;

"I was working with a lot of dealers trying to find the most competitive deal and Raceway offered the best. Many of the dealers that I working with made my first car buying experience a nightmare, however, Mike Correra, put me at ease and made the experience of buying a car a pleasure. Thank you."

Thank YOU Dianna! :)

    In Their Own Words...

    Sometimes we do such a great job our customers let us know just how happy they are with their new car and us! Here are some of the kind words we have received...

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